Safety Alert – Vehicle Accident
A high potential vehicle incident occurred on a mine easement road. The driver of the light vehicle (10-Seater Troop Carrier) lost control and the vehicle whilst travelling downhill turned over and came to rest on its side. There were nine (9) passengers on board; four (4) sustained injuries including the off sider who were on the impact side of the vehicle whilst the driver and the other four (4) were not injured.
▪ Inadequate fatigue management.
▪ Not driving within speed limits and to road condition(s).
▪ Lack of proper maintenance system for light vehicle(s).
▪ Incompetency of driver.
▪ Inadequate contractor management and supervision.
▪ Inadequate enforcement of light vehicle policies.
NOTE: This safety alert may be displayed at conspicuous places within the project area and the information widely disseminated amongst all concerned.