Porgera clan agents and representatives validation exercise for landowners within Porgera’s lease for mining purposes (LMPs), mining easements (MEs), mining lease (ML) and riverine footprints The Mineral Resources Authority (MRA) is pleased to advise the people of Porgera Valley that the validation of the Porgera Special Mining Lease No. 11…
Media Statement: Jerry Maku – District Administrator for Porgera and Mr. JerryGarry – Managing Director for the Mineral Resources Authority (MRA). The National Court and State sanctioned sub-clan agent validation exercise for the Porgera gold mine which was launched on 19, July 2021 in Porgera was successfully completed on 5,…
On Friday, 21st May, 2021 at 05:00 am, a Bell Moxie articulated dump truck was assigned to haul waste material to a waste dump. On its return from the waste dump to reload in the open-cut mine pit, it veered off the haul road and over the berm. It fell…
A recent incident of a finger injury in one of the mines occurred when an employee put his hand into the belt guard of a slurry sump pump to check condition of the belt. Whilst in the process, the left fingers of the employee caught between the pulley and the…
This notice serves to direct all Mineral Tenement Holders of Special Mining Lease, Mining Lease, Alluvial mining Lease, Exploration Licence, Mine Easement and Lease for Mining Purposes to:- i) Assist the Mineral Resources Authority (MRA), in preventing or stopping any unlawful mining activities on their tenements;ii) Assist MRA in identifying…
Regulator of the mining industry Mineral Resources Authority (MRA) has dismissed allegations on social media that the Ok Tedi Mining Limited has been illegally conducting alluvial gold mining while dredging sedimentation from the Fly River at Bige. Managing Director Jerry Garry said when responding to the allegations that as far…
Parties to the Woodlark Mining Project Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) successfully completed the review of the revised MoA last Saturday in Alotau, Milne bay Province. The MoA was last reviewed in 2015. The parties are the State, Milnebay Provincial Government, Murua Local Level Government, Dal Wanuwan Woodlark Mining Lease Inc…
Under Division 3 Section 330 of the Mining (Safety) Regulation 1935, the Board of Examiners has determined to conduct examinations for Certificates of Competency as per the following Schedule: • Date: Wednesday, 27th and Thursday, 28th of October, 2020.• Start Time: 9.00 am.• Venue: Mining Haus, Mineral Resource Authority, Konedobu,…
Managing Director of the Mineral Resources Authority (MRA) Jerry Garry has explained that the objective of Section 5A and its inclusion into the existing Mining Act 1992, is to ascertain the number of metals produced from each mine, to ensure that the state receives real value for its resources in…
Mineral Resources Authority (MRA) was established to serve the nation’s needs for promoting a sustainable mineral industry in PNG, and acts as a regulator to the industry. On 19th August 1998, the National Executive Council (NEC) considered a Policy Submission requesting approval for the creation of the Mineral Resources Authority…