Mineral Tenement Holders Public Notice

Mineral Tenement Holders Public Notice

This notice serves to direct all Mineral Tenement Holders of Special Mining Lease, Mining Lease, Alluvial mining Lease, Exploration Licence, Mine Easement and Lease for Mining Purposes to:-

i) Assist the Mineral Resources Authority (MRA), in preventing or stopping any unlawful mining activities on their tenements;
ii) Assist MRA in identifying hazards, conduct awareness and inform offenders about the imminent dangers associated with any unauthorized mining activities; and
iii) Report any unauthorized and unsafe artisanal or mechanized mine activities on their tenement(s) immediately to the Chief Inspector of Mines or the Director of Mining.

The MRA has received reports of increasing number of fatalities and serious injuries associated with unlicensed artisanal miners in recent times. Many of these incidents have occurred within the ambits of existing tenements.

Therefore, we encourage all legitimate tenement holders to take necessary steps to protect their rights to exclusive occupancy zones conferred under Sections 41, 51, 69, 84, & 92 of the Mining Act 1992.

Due to challenging terrains and remoteness, the MRA has limited visibility to many unauthorized mining activities across the country and therefore, seek  our utmost cooperation in preventing and reporting to the MRA of the above listed points. Going forward, the Mining Advisory Council may consider including these as additional conditions of tenement Grant.

Please contact the Chief inspector & Director of Mining on telephone 3213511 or e-mail info@mra.gov.pg.

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