PM Presents K50m IDG Funds To Wafi-Golpu LOs, MPG

PM Presents K50m IDG Funds To Wafi-Golpu LOs, MPG

Lae, August 2, 2024 – Prime Minister Hon. James Marape on Friday, August 2, 2024, presented a K50 million Infrastructure Development Grant (IDG) to Wafi-Golpu landowners and the Morobe Provincial Government.
He emphasised that this is not “free” money but funds intended for infrastructure projects in the six impacted areas and the province. This grant is part of the Government’s K1.2 billion commitment to IDGs and Business Development Grants (BDGs) for Wafi- Golpu landowners.
The presentation occurred in Lae, where Prime Minister Marape addressed landowners, Morobe Governor, Hon. Luther Wenge, and a gathering of key figures, including Deputy Prime Minister and Lae MP Hon. John Rosso, State Negotiating Team Chairman Mr. Dairi Vele, Mineral Resources Authority Managing Director Mr. Jerry Garry, Kumul Mineral Holdings Chief Executive Officer Mr. Sarimu Kanu, Mineral Policy and Geohazards Management Secretary Mr. Harry Kore, and Morobe Provincial Administration. Mr. Vele and Mr. Garry provided comprehensive updates to the landowners on the progress of the Wafi-Golpu Mine, followed by remarks from Governor Wenge, Prime Minister Marape, landowner representative Mr. John Nema, and Deputy Prime Minister Rosso.

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