PM Clears Air on K700M IDG Funds

PM Clears Air on K700M IDG Funds

Prime Minister Hon James Marape, has provided clarification on the K700 million commitment from the National Government to the Porgera Special Mining Lease (SML) landowners, that it is an Infrastructure Development Grant (IDG), and not cash benefit.

The PM made this statement this week in Wabag, in response to the SML landowners’ query on where the funds were. The SML landowners and other parties to the Porgera project Community Development Agreement (CDA) are in Wabag to negotiate benefits sharing arrangements from the mine. The PM briefly called in at the meeting, where he made this statement. He was accompanied by the Governor for Enga Province, Grand Chief Hon Sir Peter Ipatas, Minister for Works & Highways and Member for Parliament for Telefomin, Hon Solan Mirisim, Member of Parliament for Wapenamanda Hon Miki Kaeok, Managing Director of the Mineral Resources Authority (MRA) Jerry Garry, and the Secretary for Works, David Wereh.

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