Mining & Exploration Bulletin 2018
Mineral Resources Authority (MRA) was established to serve the nation’s needs for promoting a sustainable mineral industry in PNG, and acts as a regulator to the industry.
On 19th August 1998, the National Executive Council (NEC) considered a Policy Submission requesting approval for the creation of the Mineral Resources Authority through an Act of Parliament. On 9th November 2005, the National Executive Council certified the Mineral Resources Authority Act 2005 and which came into force on January 1, 2006
Organization Description
MRA is a state owned entity – a statutory organization, established by an Act of Parliament. The set-up or governance structure of the organization is as follows;
Vision, Mission & Goals
Vision: Improving the lives of all Papua New Guineans through the responsible management of the nation’s mineral resources.
Mission: Effectively promote a healthy and sustainable mineral industry and provide a regulatory environment which maximizes mining opportunities to ensure optimum benefits for the people of PNG
Goals: Achieving client & employee satisfaction through responsible management of our mineral resources today with tomorrow in mind.
The primary responsibility of the Mineral Resources Authority is to;
• Advise Minister on matters relating to management, exploitation, and development of PNG mineral resources
• Promote orderly exploration and development of PNG mineral resources
• Oversee administration and enforcement of Mining Act 1992, Mining Safety Act (chapter 195A), Mining Development Act, Ok Tedi Acts and Bougainville Copper Agreement Act
• Negotiate mining development contracts and MOAS
• Conduct geo-scientific investigations into PNG geological resources
•Provide small scale mining services
Collect, analyze, store, archive and disseminate and publish geo-scientific information
Corporate Governance
We set the highest standards of good governance, adopting uncompromised standards of integrity, transparency, professionalism, and ethical behavior in all that we do. We strive for efficiency and effectiveness in all of our processes, recognizing that we exist and operate on behalf of the people of Papua New Guinea.
Organization’s corporate social responsibility
We exist to service all our customers, stakeholders and investors in Papua New Guinea and beyond.
We value all stakeholders ensuring they remain at the centre of our decision-making processes.
We value the principles of Sustainable Development never conceding serious, long-term potential risks for the sake of easy short-term gains especially in matters of environmental care and/or social cohesion.
Divisional Functions
Development Coordination Division
Improve stakeholder consultation, project facilitation and management of mining benefit streams including small scale mining, from exploration to mining phases of development, by formation of a project facilitation function.
Geological Survey Division
Document, manage and provide regional geological, geophysical and geological resource information by formation of modified geological mapping…