MRA Public Notices Regular notices and advertisements relating to MRA services and activities can be useful briefs to customers wanting to know more about what MRA does and how it delivers to it stakeholders New Application Fees for Special Mining LeaseAdminJune 23, 2016MRA NoticesNOTICE OF FEES FOR TENEMENTS AND DEALINGS PHILIP SAMAR, Managing Director of the Mineral Resources Authority, hereby give notice that…Read MoreMRA Customer Survey NoticeAdminSeptember 25, 2015MRA NoticesMineral Resources Authority Customer Satisfaction Survey Dear valued client, we hope you enjoyed your visit to the Mining Haus. As…Read MoreNew – MRA Online Map SalesAdminSeptember 23, 2015MRA NoticesOnline Map Sales Area of Interest Selection Please take the time to interact with the map attached. If you are…Read More12345