MRA Public Notices
Regular notices and advertisements relating to MRA services and activities can be useful briefs to customers wanting to know more about what MRA does and how it delivers to it stakeholders
Deferral of Porgera Mine development forum
This notice serves to Inform all stakeholders of the Porgera Mining project, that the Development Forum scheduled for Monday August…
Porgera Mining Project Development Forum
As per Section 3 or Mining Ael 1892. a Mining Minister Is required 10 call a Development Forum ror 11…
Porgera Mining Project Stakeholders
{Special mining lease, lease for mining purposes, mining easement, mining lease, riverine communities, Enga Provincial Government, impacted local level government…
New Pogera Mining Project
This notice serves to inform the Hides transmission powerline land- owner communities of the New Porgera mining project, that there…
GEE Delegate Registration Advertisement
The Conference aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers & geo scientists to exchange and share their experiences and…
Temporary telephone lines for MRA
The general public and clients are hereby notified that our primary number 3213511 is down at present. We are working…