Media Release

Data Monitoring Hub/Centre at MRA

The hub was launched by the Prime Minister Hon James Marape MP, on April 14, 2023. The facility is dedicated…

Bilimoia landowner association leaders reconcile

Two opposing leaders of the Bilimoia Landowners Association (BLA) of the K92 Mining Project, have reconciled with each other in…

MRA celebrates 15 years anniversary

The Mineral Resources Authority (MRA) on Friday April 14th, celebrated its 15 years of operations in Port Moresby. The occasion…

MRA sponsors UPNG final year students

The Mineral Resources Authority’s (MRA) Acting Managing Director (AMD) Jerry Garry yesterday announced the MRA’s school fee scholarships worth K26…

MRA officers acquire new skill sets

Eight Mineral Resources Authority (MRA) staff, comprising mining engineers and geologists have completed a month’s training program on how to…

Ok Tedi MOA parties initial agreement

Parties to the Ok Tedi Mining Project Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) last Friday (March 24) successfully concluded the week-long MoA…